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Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is an internationally renowned online dating expert and bestselling author. He has been featured in major publications such as The New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, GQ Magazine, and Men's Health. He was born in Essex England where he attended the University of Manchester for his undergraduate degree before pursuing a master’s degree at Cambridge University. After completing his studies Matthew began working with high-profile clients around the world to help them find love through coaching sessions and seminars on relationships. His success led him to become one of the most sought after experts on modern day romance today! In addition to helping others find love through individualized coaching sessions Matthew also writes reviews about various dating sites and apps that can be found across different platforms including Amazon Kindle Books & Audible Audiobooks among many other outlets . His reviews are based off personal experience from trying out each platform himself so readers get honest feedback from someone who knows what they're talking about when it comes to finding true connection within this digital age we live in now! It wasn't until later years when he started writing books that made people really take notice of him though; “Get The Guy: Learn Secrets Of The Male Mind To Find Love And Get Your Man” became an instant bestseller which catapulted him into fame even further than ever before! Since then more books have followed suit all focusing on how men think & act differently compared women when it comes down relationship dynamics - something that sets apart Matthews advice versus anyone else out there giving similar tips/advice regarding matters related towards romanticism or otherwise!. Overall , Matthews mission is simple : To provide individuals with tools needed for achieving lasting happiness by teaching them how make better decisions both personally professionally while navigating their way throughout life's journey no matter if its singlehood or being part marriage/relationship status wise !